Happy New Year

Just popping in to wish you all a Happy New Year and to remind you that this blog has moved over to Blogger. You can find my latest post at https://viewsfrommycraftroom.blogspot.com/

I hope you will pop over and consider continuing to follow me there.

Many thanks for all your support. Take care.


About Pippa

I started crafting at an early age though not always successfully, my pillowcase tennis dress has, thankfully, disappeared into history. Funnily sewing is not something I enjoy! My favourite crafty activity has to be card making, especially stamping which I have been doing for over 20 years and am still a beginner, there is always something new to learn. I also enjoy knitting and crochet. I am not an artist, cannot even draw a straight line with a ruler, but I love colouring in, which is why stamping appeals so much. I am married, have recently retired from being a part time HLTA at a local village primary school, have two grown up daughters, both married and a mad cat called Finnegan. That, in a nutshell, is me.
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